Do note...
You are not getting a bad score because it is Anti-Clock, but for the reasons listed below:
1. The guy at the beginning sounds like he is masturbating when he is saying "hmmm".
2. When he is walking, it sounds like some one chopping wood.
3. The game play is fucking horrible. The cursor moves slow enough as it is. Then you make us have to click that bar at the bottom while we are getting bombarded with gun shots.Strawberry magically flies in from the top then appears out of no where on the ground. How the hell are we supposed to shoot him? In the beginning, its pointless trying to shoot carrot cause you can't kill him until he stops moving any ways. Because I shot him atleast 2 times before he stopped moving and he kept moving. I don't know what is after the first shooting scene because I couldn't bare to keep playing/watching this.